Our mission statement is:
Mission 1: The primary goal of Vets Outdoors Foundation is to provide Combat Wounded Veterans with exciting outdoor programs and activities regardless of their physical, mental or monetary limitations.
Mission 2: Vets Outdoors Foundation is aware of the epidemic of isolation and depression among the ranks of our injured veterans. We believe if we can provide unique and often “once in a lifetime” experiences we can help move veterans out of a place of despair and provide hope for the future.
Mission 3: Vets Outdoors Foundation strives to show injured veterans that this Country appreciates their sacrifice through positive interactions with fellow vets and civilians.
After more than 2 years of pandemic restrictions and the Afghanistan debacle, many Veterans have become further isolated and withdrawn. The public-health crisis of isolated and depressed Veterans is now increased and serious negative consequences will follow. If you know a Veteran that experienced trauma in deployment (most had some stress) please reach out and let them know they are not forgotten and offer any help they need.
Most of them will not ask for help so it may take some persistence to break through, It does not take much to make a Veteran feel appreciated and loved. Take some action- reach out, or make an ongoing donation here so we can continue our outreach. Any amount helps.
The Big Game draw registration has started and ends April 5th 2022. If you have 3+ elk or deer points, let us know before you draw and we can try to get you on private property.